How to Prepare for a Surge in Gains from New Blockchain Technology 

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Every 25 years approximately, a new technology emerges that is so disruptive it wipes out jobs forever while it creates generational wealth for others who embrace it.

Kodak for example, who dominated the photography and videography space for decades, went bankrupt when it failed to embrace the emergence of digital photography.

Amazon put bookstores like Borders out of business when it embraced e-commerce.

Netflix put video stores out of business too and changed how people consume content.

And the list goes on.

In a nutshell, new technology creates huge wealth shifts.

And this is what blockchain technology is doing right now.

The good news is, if you get in now, you can capitalize on this great wealth transfer, the same way early investors in Netflix and Amazon did.

And to show you exactly how, we’re running a LIVE step-by-step tutorial where we’ll reveal:

  • The blockchain projects that pay you huge bonuses as an early adopter – which means you can receive thousands of dollars worth of payments straight to your digital wallet (and it’s set and forget!)
  • The unique crypto bot that has been consistently generating up to 1% returns a day on complete autopilot (we’ll reveal its name and how to secure one for yourself)
  • Why you can hit the ground running with as little as 200 bucks and potentially 100x and even 1000x your initial capital
  • How to use compound interest to turn your gains into even more passive income
  • How to receive payments, day in, day out simply for owning crypto and NFTs


The strategies shared during this session are 100% passive income strategies: they’re set and forget!

What you’ll discover is as close to ‘printing money’ as you’ve ever seen.

But don’t take our word for it.

Here’s what one user had to say:

So right now you have two choices:

  • You can let blockchain technology scare you
  • Or you can embrace it as an early adopter to make more, passively

It’s just a no-brainer. Come with an open mind and see for yourself how to capitalize on one of the greatest wealth transfers we’ll ever experience in our lifetime.

I hope to see you on the call.

Darren Jenkins

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About Troy Harris

Troy Harris is a blockchain and cryptocurrency educator, with over 6 years of experience in the space.

Troy’s passion and enthusiasm for blockchain technology has led him to run several masterclasses exclusively for high-net-worth individuals and working groups over the past few years.

Coming from a customer service and teaching background, Troy truly embodies the ethos of “Giving without the expectation of receiving anything in return”.

His teaching and creation of strategies to earn passively has been a constant driving force behind the success of his students.

He has taught and helped hundreds of people conquer the power of the decentralized online world through simple and proven strategies.

These strategies have led him to help his students generate millions of dollars in returns, within a very short space of time.

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Alliance Digital Training Pty Ltd does not believe in promoting “get rich quick” programs. We all know that no one will make money quickly and consistently. It doesn’t happen. There is risk in everything we do and we want to explain the risks to you when it comes to business and investing. Past results are not indicative of future results.

Alliance Digital Training Pty Ltd and all individuals affiliated with the company assume no responsibilities for your results. The information and all other features are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as business or investment advice. Your use of the information on this site is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information. You must assess the risk of any business or investment with your business or financial advisor and make your own independent decisions regarding anything mentioned herein.

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